Monday, January 13, 2014

Zechariah's Night Visions

Reflect on the class presentations today which outlined the different visions that Zechariah received. Consider one theme that emerges from the visions and answer the following questions:

1) What is the theme/message?
2) Why did B'nai Yisrael need to hear this particular message at this particular point in time?
3) Why is this message ״הוצרכה לדורות״?

Please do not choose a theme/message that has already been chosen by others.


  1. 1. G-d's ever lasting presence in our lives. We learn about this theme in "The Woman and the Ephah."
    2. Hashem has just caused their enemies to attack them and they were in a state of curiosity. Hashem had to show them some how that He was there for them, so he punished their enemies too. They got away with evil actions, and G-d punished them for that.
    3. This teaches us that no matter if we can see Hashem or not in our lives, he is there somewhere. He will never completely abandon us, no matter what we will do in the future. It can teach future generations that if they sin, they will be punished, but G-d is always there no matter what.

  2. 1) I think that the theme of most of the visions were that G-d is always looking out for us and protecting us. We see this in the horns/craftsmen, ephah, measuring tape, and olive tree visions. In the horns/craftsmen vision as well as in the ephah vision, we see that even though we deserve to be punished when we sin, G-d always takes care of us and makes sure our enemies are punished as well. The measuring tape vision tells us that G-d's protection is what counts and the olive tree vision tells us that we should not worry about obstacles because G-d will take care of us and make sure everything works out.

    2. So far the Jews have had a lot to put up with. They Beit Hamikdash was destroyed, they were sent to exile, Coresh's declaration let them return, Tzrai Yehudah has been causing problems for them, and now they have Navis telling them to con tune rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash. They need to know that no matter what happens, G-d is looking out for them. Even though they aren't able to get cedar wood for the Beit Hamikdash because of the actions of their enemies, they need to know that G-d is looking out for them and will make sure everything works out. They must know that G-d will make sure the enemies are punished for their actions and that He will always be protecting them.
    3. This is a message that all future generations need to hear. Bad things happen to the Jews all the time these days, and we need to know that G-d has not turned away from us. He will always be looking for us, even when we have sinned. We might need to get punished, but He will always make sure our enemies our punished as well. We should all know that its G-d's protection that really matters, and that is what we will always have.

  3. 1) The most prominent theme, to me atleast, was that G-d is always there for us and he's always going to protect us. We see this throughout all the various night visions. He'll protect our land and protect us from punishment - even when we deserve to be punished!

    2) They've been experiencing so much destruction - religiously and socially - after their Temple was destroyed and they were in exile, they try to do the right thing by rebuilding and those efforts are thwarted! Then, a Navi comes to tell them to rebuild! They're so confused about what's going on right now (I'm sure, because I know I would be!) and Hashem's telling them: don't worry, I'm with you! It was a way for Hashem to reassure them that all was going to work out and not to worry!

    3) I feel like today we can really relate to this generation: we're all so confused and all over the place - sometimes when we seem to be doing 'the right thing' bad things happen to us, and when people are doing bad things we see good things happen to us! The world starts to look like this crazy, backwards place and we wonder: "where's G-d!?" Nowadays, we don't have Nevuah, so we have no way to get these crazy night visions that seem totally irrelevant to tell us that G-d is protecting us and He's with us. As one of the last Nevuot I think its trying to tell us that there are going to be times like these where things are confused, and we're going to have to look for the messages from G-d! And look at the things that He does give us and how He protects us each and every day (we wake up in the morning)!

  4. 1. The theme that Zecharia is hitting on is that Hashem is looking out for us, no matter what. Even though we’ve been punished by Hashem- even though we’ve done wrong- Hashem has not forgotten us. Hashem is still going to take care of us make sure that we are free to practice in the Land of Israel. Even though we might be distraught because we got destroyed by our enemies, we should know that Hashem is still in charge and that we’ll be okay.
    2. B’nai Yisrael were vulnerable at this point in time, which makes sense, because they’ve been through quite a bit of destruction. Their Temple, quite literally, was destroyed. They were exiled out of their homeland. Even though they’ve been allowed to return, things haven’t been that great. As you can probably imagine, first of all, they’re still really torn up from being relocated from place to place. They’re confused religiously and spiritually. Their enemies have been thwarting the building of the Temple. They’re on an emotional roller-coaster. With all of this, they need to hear the words of Zecharia telling them that no matter how crazy things seem, Hashem has their back. They need reassurance.
    3. Zecharia’s message isn’t exclusive to B’nai Yisroel in this point in history-it’s universal. Bad things happen to all of us, because all of us do bad things. We get punished for this, and we often feel sad and confused. It’s easy to think that Hashem isn’t there when we’re going on with our everyday lives. It’s hard to stop and reflect on the things that are happening to us: why is this happening? What have I done? We can’t let ourselves think that Hashem has turned away from us. We must take the messages like these and apply them to our lives so we remember that God is still with us.

  5. 1. The main theme of zecharia is that they should have faith because God is watching out for them. In every vision we see that God is helping out the jews in some way. He is showing them that he is there for them no matter what and they should believe that.
    2. It was important for the jews to hear this message then. They where at a point of confusion. They where going to get the land and have full leadership over Israel soon. God wanted to make sure they wouldnt forget him no matter what happens. If they get hurt or the thrive they still need to remember God.
    3. Faith is the main part of our religion. Without it we wont have a baseline for our beliefs. Every generation has struggles. They have it to good or very bad. Both things that can couse us to lose faith in God. But we need to remember that God is always there for us and watching out for us.

  6. 1. I found that "God is very powerful and will protect the Jews" to be a central theme in all the night visions.
    2. They needed to hear this at this time because they were feeling weak and uncertain , and needed reassurance that God is very strong and would protect them no matter what.
    3. This message is hutzrecha ledorot because we should always remember that God is stronger than anything else, and will always aid his people. Whenever we are faced with a struggle in our times, we should not give up hope and turn to God. We should pray and trust that he will deliver us from any hardships we may happen to be facing.

  7. 1. Hashem punishes us for the wrong that we've done, but Hashem also punishes our enemies for what they've done. This is seen through the vision with the carpenters and the horns. The oppressors do not go unpunished for their evil deeds.
    2. The Jews at the time really needed to heart this- they had quite a lot of people who were bringing them down. A lot of nations struck down on B'nai Yisroel and were harsh to them: nations exiled them, nations destroyed the BHMK, nations forbade them to build. Needless to say- a lot of people were against them. They needed to know that they would get retribution. Essentially, to put it in kindergarten terms, they needed to know that Hashem was still "on BNY's side" and not "on their side". It's not as though Hashem was conspiring against BNY with the other nations; the oppressors will be punished, too, for what they did.
    3. This is still relevant today because there are still plenty of people and nations who are not supportive of BNY. We can't give up and think that Hashem has sided with 'the other team' so to speak. The nations who hurt us will have their own time to hurt.

  8. 1. If we sin, we will be punished.

    2. This can be seen from the story/vision of the flying scroll (which we have not yet covered in class). The people who sinned, particularly in terms of "vowing" (probably falsely swearing) and stealing, would go BOOM!
    At this point in time, the Jews were having difficulty religiously. Though many had returned to the land, and the BH"MK was being rebuilt, many other Jews had remained behind instead of coming back to rebuild. They have a somewhat shaky connection with Hashem.

    3. We all sin. Sin will exist forever; there is no such thing as eradicating it completely. We need to be very careful about our actions to make sure that we are doing what we need to/should be doing and that we're not doing what we shouldn't be doing.

  9. 1. I think that one of the main themes is that they need to return back to their work no matter what happens. To not let your fears become obstacles in your way to return.

    2. Bnei Yisrael kept getting attacked by their enemies. There was the message of G-d is there with you, but the main part of the message is that they need to get back to building the Beit Hamikdash and to not let their fear of the enemies stop them from building.

    3. Everyone has fears and a lot of times they stop us from doing things that could have been something so great. When you push through your fears and do the action, it makes it so much better. We have to constantly be reminded to face our fears and to not let them hold us back.

  10. 1. To elaborate on what I said earlier, I think a central theme in the visions is how God is stronger than anything else that could confront us.
    2. The people needed to hear this because they were afraid and unsure, and knowing that God is more powerful and on their side would reassure them.
    3. This is hutzrecha ledorot because we should always remember that no matter what we are up against, God is more powerful, and He is on our side, which should give us comfort and strength.

  11. 1. One theme that popped out at me was the constant reassurance that the people will return to the land and that things will be as they once were. This theme is particularly prominent in the “Man and the Measuring Tape” nevuah, in which G-d reassures Zechariah that Jerusalem will be the chosen city (full of glory) in the future. Also, in the “Horsemen” nevuah, G-d offers Zechariah words of comfort.

    2. This is exactly what Bnei Yisrael needed to hear at the time. They had been exiled and were just now starting to return to the land. The return was exceedingly difficult and the people’s minds were filled with doubt. They even needed Chaggai to push them to continue building the Beit Hamikdash when they had the chance to. The knowledge that Jerusalem will be the chosen city again motivated them to act and put their hearts into the rebuilding effort.

    3. Today, although we have the land of Israel, many people still have lots of doubts. They doubt whether moshiach is coming, whether Jerusalem will be a Jewish city again, whether the Jews will be able to maintain control of the land of Israel. This nevuah is still applicable and helpful today because people still need the reassurance that, one day, things will be as they once was. Like all of the people said before, G-d is in control and is constantly protecting us.

  12. 1. G-d will see that things aren't fair and adjust the situation so that there is justice.

    2. When things are backwards - which they seem to be at this point in time - They've been experiencing so much destruction - religiously and socially - after their Temple was destroyed and they were in exile, they try to do the right thing by rebuilding and those efforts are thwarted! Then, a Navi comes to tell them to rebuild! They're so confused about what's going on right now (I'm sure, because I know I would be!) and Hashem's telling them: don't worry, because even though things seem unfair or wrong I will adjust them and make it right!

    3. We see a lot of injustice in our time - there are lots of instances of צדיק ורע לו and רשע וטוב לו - and things seem unfair. It seems unfair that we get land taken from us and that there's destruction when it seems like we're not doing anything wrong - but if it's not justice, G-d will deliver justice!
